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Recording Notice
Land Patent #501 dated April 5, 1873 pertaining to private property known as Hamlet View Homestead(c) c/o 24881 Hamlet Way on Laguna Niguel, California Republic [zip code exempt 92677] without US/DC
Land Patent #5935 dated November 3, 1885 pertaining to private property known as Saltaire View Homestead(c) c/o 32 Saltaire Drive on Laguna Niguel, California Republic [zip code exempt 92677] without US/DC
Land Patent #501 dated April 5, 1873 pertaining to private property known as Las Flores View Homestead c/o 82 Las Flores on Aliso Viejo, California Republic [zip code exempt 92656] without US/DC
Land Patent #5091 dated May 28, 1883 pertaining to private property known as Finca View Homestead on San Clemente, California Republic [zip code exempt 92672] without US/ DC
The complete Land Patent packages (as posted below) have been filed and recorded with Orange County Clerk Recorder's clerk 156 (who refused to identify her full name as as a public servant is required to do so) located at 601 North Ross Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701 on February 17, 2022 at approximately 2:30pm as evidenced below.
The below Notice was posted on 19th day of December 2021 to inform any person who has lawful standing to view this file and who wishes to review the complete file on record may do so by accessing the information by requesting an appointment with Lenka Koloma. The below posted Land Patents have perfected by being posted and public Notice being given for sixty (60) days without any opposition and/or objection which makes it FOREVER Fee Simple, Allodium, Private Dwelling and Superior Title superceding any color of title.
No lawful party claimed any interest by bringing forward a lawful challenge to this Certificate of Acceptance of Declaration of Land Patent and the benefit of Original Land Grant Patent, as stipulated herein, is now lached and estoppel to any and all parties claiming an interest forever.
Failure to make a lawful claim, as indicated herein, within sixty (60) calendar days of the notice, has forever barred any claimant from any claim against my allodial patent estate as described herein and stands now as a Final Judgment / Res Judicata.
Property Address:
c/o 24881 Hamlet Way, Laguna Niguel, California [zip code exempt 92677] without U.S.
Property Address:
c/o 32 Saltaire, Laguna Niguel, California [zip code exempt 92677] - without U.S.
Property Address:
c/o 82 Las FLores, Aliso Viejo, California [zip code exempt 92656] - without U.S.
Property Address:
c/o 40 Finca, San Clemente, California [zip code exempt 92672] - without U.S.